WIPO Manifesto

March 9 to April 19, 2005

A call for immediate engagement of civil society, consumer-interest and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) within the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)'s activities, for Transparency, Participation, Balance and Access on IP regulatory discussions and deliberations was issued through an on-line petition on March 9, 2005, at
Update April 19: On line sign-in deactivated. Dead link.

The petition gathered signatures in an open letter to WIPO urging its officials specifically, but not only, to accept applications from NGOs to serve as ad hoc observers at the upcoming Inter-sessional Intergovernmental Meeting (IIM) 11-13 April 2005, and for the Permanent Committee on Cooperation for Development Related to Intellectual Property, next 14-15 April 2005, in order to provide a balanced discussion on the Development Agenda and on the IP system in general, observing an equilibrium between IP right holders and consumers. Meanwhile, the Manifesto has been translated into Portuguese, Russian, Castellan and Italian, available under the clickable (randomly chosen corresponding national flag) icons bellow.

Update April 12: Congratulations to all who signed.
Ad hoc NGO applicants accepted at IIM meeting!

On March 23, 807 on-line signatures gathered were packaged to append to the open letter, for delivery to WIPO officials. On April 6, the thounsand plus signatures thus far collected were again delivered to WIPO officials, with a reiteration of the petition. On April 11, upon the opening of IIM, at the request of some participating coutries ad hoc accreditation to those NGO who had applied to participate as observers was granted. On April 19, the collecting of on-line signatures was deactivated. The list of signatures can be viewed through this link (in pdf), and some signature statistics can be browsed below. We remain urging you to follow through on these important developments, for exemple, at


We thank those who signed the petition, for your effort has brought us all its first fruit. Latest update on the June 20-22 IIM meeting to discuss DA can be found at

Some Statistics as of April 16, 2005, when on-line sign-in was deactivated

1. More than a thousand signatures

2. From 63 countries:

Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, Dominican Rep., Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Israel, Japan, Kenya, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mexico, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Saint Lucia, Samoa, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, UK (from England and Scotland), Ukraine, Uruguay, USA, Venezuela, Vietnam.

3. From all 5 continents:

Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Oceania.

4. Non exhaustive list of signatories' areas of interest:

advertising, agriculture, anthropology, arts (visual / musical / film / entertainment), banking, bioinfomatics, chemistry, computer security / privacy / electronics / engineer / science, culture, education, enviromental protection, health, human rights, information studies, intellectual property, journalism, law, library, mathematics, medicine, patent owner, philosophy, physics, poetry, politics, sociology, song writing, technology, video game industry, web development.

5. Non-exhaustive examples of institutions which have representative(s) signing:

Government and international bodies

member of the Brazilian Ministry of Health; member of the Brazilian Ministry of Education; member of the Brazilian Ministry of Social Welfare; Brazilian State Deputy; Brazilian Institute of Information Technology – Brazilian Presidency; Telecentros de Incluso Digital (Telecentre for Digital Inclusion) - Sao Paulo, Brazil; Municipality of Rio das Ostras, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Secretary of Agriculture, Goias State, Brazil; Green Party of Canada; Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene – Canada; WIPO, UN

Public interest NGOs

Quilombo Digital - Brazil; Projeto Software Livre (Free Software Project) - Brazil; RITS, Information Network for the Third Sector - Brazil; GAPA - Brazil; Cidade Viva - Brazil; Rede GTA - Grupo de Trabalho Amaznico - Brazil; Brazilian Interdisciplinary AIDS Association and Workgroup on Intellectual Property of REBRIP - Brazil; IBDI - Instituto Brasileiro de Poltica e Direito da Informtica (IBDI - The Brazilian Institute of Information Technology Law and Legal Policy) - Brazil; ALICE - Agncia Livre para a Informao, Cidadania e Educao (Free Agency for Information, Citizenship and Education) – Brazil; Associao Software Livre.org (Free Software Association) – Brazil; Grupo Otimismo de Apoio a Portadores de Hepatite C, Brazil; Libertos Comunicao, Brazil; Fundacion Via Libre – Argentina; Proyecto UTUTO-e, Argentina; Corporacin Derechos Digitales, Chile; FUNREDES, Dominican Rep.; Cmara Nacional de Productos Genricos, Costa Rica; Open Knowledge Foundation – UK; Libraries and Archives Copyright Alliance, UK; Hipatia – Italian / Mexico / Argentina; AttivAzione.org – Italy; Hispalinux, Spain; Vecam – France; Foundation for Open Source (VOSN), Netherlands; EURAG European Federation of Older Persons, Austria; Domain Name Rights Coalition, USA; Public Knowledge, USA; GNOME Project - Mexico; Citizens Initiative for Internet Policy – Ukraine; International Renaissance Foundation, Ukraine; Foundation of Regional Initiative (FRI), Ukraine; Youth information center of Ukraine; AIDS Law Unit, Legal Assistance Centre, Namibia; NYAKA, Communication for Development, South Africa; Foundation for Media Alternatives, Philippines; Open Society Institute, International; IP Justice, International;

Private companies

Petrobrs – Brazil; Digital Communications Research, Inc. - USA; The Sounds Original Company – USA; Armware – Denmark; Ratiatum.com – France; Sharif FarsiWeb, Inc. - Iran


London School of Economics, University of London, UK; University College London, University of London, UK; Queen Mary & Westfield College, University of London, UK; Imperial College London, University of London, UK; Cambridge University, UK; University of Oxford, UK; Oxford Internet Institute, UK; The University of Reading, UK; MIT Massachusetts Institite of Technology - USA; Syracuse University, USA; Cardozo School of Law, USA; University of California at Berkeley, USA; University of California San Diego, USA; Stanford University, USA; Columbia Law School, USA; Yale University, USA; University of Colorado, Boulder, USA; Johns Hopkins University, USA; University of Michigan, USA; University of Miami; School of Law, USA; Minneapolis Community & Technical College, USA; Texas Tech University, USA; Rice University, USA; University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA; Dublin City University, Ireland; University of Guelph, Canada; University of Western Ontario, Canada; McGill University, Canada; University of Montreal, Canada; University of Alberta, Canada; Carleton University, Canada; School of Library and Information Studies, University of Alberta, Canada; Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC), Canada; Humboldt University, Germany; University of Hamburg – Germany; University of Bielefeld, Germany; Universit de Lille 1, France; University of Liege, Belgium; Roskilde University, Denmark; University of Coimbra, Portugal; Universidad de Alicante, Spain; Universidad de Granada, Spain; Warsaw University of Technology, Poland; Victoria University of Wellinngton, New Zealand; University of Auckland, New Zealand; Monash University, Australia; MeijiGakuin University, Japan; Federal University of Rio (UFRJ), Brazil; Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil; University of Sao Paulo (USP), Brazil; Catholic University of Salvador (PUC-Salvador), Brazil; Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ), Brazil; Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil; University of Vale dos Sinos (Unisinos), Brazil; University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil; Federal University of Uberlndia, Brazil; Federal University of Amazonas, Brazil; Federal University of Espirito Santo, Brazil; Universidad Eafit, Colombia; Colegio Alfonsino de San Pedro, Mexico; University of Witwatersrand, South Africa University; of Swaziland Library, Swaziland; American School of Yaounde, Cameroon.

6. Signatures per country, as of april 19, 2005

USA 340
Brazil 227
UK   71
Canada   70
France   67
Germany   30
Spain   18
Argentina   16
Italy   16
Australia   15
Netherlands  14
Mexico   13 S.Africa 11
N.Zealand 11
Ireland 11
Belgium 11 Colombia 11
Portugal   9
Sweden   8
Denmark   8
Finland   7
India   7
Ukraine   6
Russia  6
 Uruguay  4
Poland  4
Korea  4
Switzerland  4
Slovenia  3
Chile  3
Philipines  3
Cameroon  3
Japan  3
Hungary  2
Venezuela  2
Norway  2
Israel  2
Costa Rica  1
St. Lucia  1
Iceland  1
Luxemburg  1
Namibia  1 Macedonia  1
Panama  1
Lituania  1
Singapore  1
Paraguay  1
Swaziland  1
Austria  1
Dominican  1
Greece  1
Romenia  1
Taywan  1
Malaysia  1
Peru  1
Kenya  1
Vietnam  1
Slovakia  1
Iran  1
Indonesia  1
Bulgaria  1
Samoa  1

unamed  167

7. Signatures per population, as of march 22, 2005

signatures per population
Chart by Norman Dimok
8. Web pages and portals linking to WIPO manifesto, as of April 19, 2005


9. Articles and conferences referencing the WIPO manifesto, as of April 19, 2005

ASIL Meeting – Washington D.C., USA, 01 April 2005, 'Globalization, Development, and Intellectual Property: New Challenges and New Opportunities'. Speakers: Jonathan Band, moderator; Francis Gurry, WIPO; Deborah Halbert, Otterbein College