Links para outros sítios relacionados à segurança do usuário de informática 8
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Outros sítios: Tutoriais, Relatórios, etc.

  1. Botnets
    Understanding the Botnet phenomenon, 2006
  2. Cartilha de Segurança para Internet
    Comitê Gestor da Internet no Brasil
    Center for Education and Research in Information Security, Univ. of Purdue
  4. Cybercrime Reports: FBI; Simantec report 2006
    Cybercrime statistics in the US since 2000
  5. Fake fingerprints
    False biometric indentification
  6. Impacto do software livre e de código aberto no Brasil
    Estudo e Relatório da Softex
  7. Information Technology Security Cookbook
    Information Technology Security Cookbook
  8. Kernel malware rootkits (F-secure)
    Kimmo Kasslin explains what it is, how it works, why it is hard to stop
  9. Least privilege to the max
    Access control in Windows, including Vista
  10. Malware market evolves
    Gangs offer contract for support and upgrades of rootkeys, keyloggers, etc.
  11. Master of Science in Network Security
    Capitol College, Maryland USA
  12. New Order
    Recursos para se evitar invasões, exploits, etc.
  13. O'Reilly Open Source Center
    Technical books licensed for electronic copying
  14. Public Domain
    UNESCO 2007 report on the importance of public domain
  15. "Roubo" de identidade
    Relatório McAfee 2007 (pt-BR)
  16. Trusted Computing Group
    report on TPG standard adoption in 2007
  17. Unix Internet Security
    Unix Internet Security
  18. Vigenere Cipher
    Cifra de Vigenère
  19. Who's who in security
    2007 Report listing Europe's important computer security entities
  20. Wikipedia vs. Britanica
    Study published by the science maganzine "Nature" comparing enciclopedias
  21. Windows security management
    Windows security management software tools
  22. Windows Vista cost analysis
    Prof. Peter Guttman, Univ. of Aukland, New Zealand.
  23. Wireless and Open Source: The battle,
    2006 Report on wireless network chip manufecturers' refusual to open specs

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