Links para outros sítios relacionados à segurança do usuário de informática 8
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Outros sítios: Tutoriais, Relatórios, etc.
- Botnets
- Understanding the Botnet phenomenon, 2006
- Cartilha de Segurança para Internet
- Comitê Gestor da Internet no Brasil
- Center for Education and Research in Information Security, Univ. of Purdue
- Cybercrime Reports: FBI; Simantec report 2006
- Cybercrime statistics in the US since 2000
- Fake fingerprints
False biometric indentification
- Impacto do software livre e de código aberto no Brasil
Estudo e Relatório da Softex
- Information Technology Security Cookbook
- Information Technology Security Cookbook
- Kernel malware rootkits (F-secure)
Kimmo Kasslin explains what it is, how it works, why it is hard to stop
- Least privilege to the max
Access control in Windows, including Vista
- Malware market evolves
- Gangs offer contract for support and upgrades of rootkeys, keyloggers, etc.
- Master of Science in Network Security
- Capitol College, Maryland USA
- New Order
Recursos para se evitar invasões, exploits, etc.
- O'Reilly Open Source Center
- Technical books licensed for electronic copying
- Public Domain
UNESCO 2007 report on the importance of public domain
- "Roubo" de identidade
Relatório McAfee 2007 (pt-BR)
- Trusted Computing Group
report on TPG standard adoption in 2007
- Unix
Internet Security
- Unix Internet Security
- Vigenere Cipher
- Cifra de Vigenère
- Who's who in security
- 2007 Report listing Europe's important computer security entities
- Wikipedia vs. Britanica
- Study published by the science maganzine "Nature" comparing enciclopedias
- Windows security management
- Windows security management software tools
- Windows Vista cost analysis
Prof. Peter Guttman, Univ. of Aukland, New Zealand.
- Wireless and Open Source: The battle,
- 2006 Report on wireless network chip manufecturers' refusual to open specs
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